
About Us...

Our mission of Shooter Girls is two-fold. On the one hand we strive to boost our clients' efficiency & visibility through immaculate staffing solutions - providing well fitted, competent, and informed part-time staff. We pride ourselves on our reliability of performance and excellence of service that has permitted us to build long-term relationships with our valued clients. On the other hand we provide students with opportunities to improve their lifestyle through fun, exciting & financially rewarding part-time jobs.

Tequila,Vodka,Barcadi - Promotion Jobs.

Are you an outgoing individual with a sparkling smile and delightful personality who is looking to make money doing promotional jobs in the marketing and hospitality industry? Promotional jobs give you the opportunity to make money and the freedom to find your feet in the exciting world of brand marketing, direct marketing, advertising and sales. Shooter Girls is a marketing company providing temporary employment and promotion jobs to intelligent attractive people who like to have fun.

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Shooter Girls promoters will take your below-the-line promotions to the next level. Our team of attractive, intelligent promoters will represent your brand with professionalism and integrity. In a highly competitive business environment, our promoters will use their cheerful personalities and excellent communication skills to help your product, service or brand stand out from the crowd.